Arts Daily / Quilts of Valor at the Horry County Museum

Quilts of Valor at the Horry County Museum

You’re invited to view a special Quilts of Valor presentation at the Horry County Museum. Quilts made especially for local veterans will be presented on Saturday, November 5 at 1 p.m.
The mission of the Quilts of Valor Foundation (QOVF) is to cover all service members and veterans, touched by war, with a comforting and healing quilt. In 2003, Catherine Roberts, the founder of the QOVF, had a son deployed to Iraq. She struggled with how to stay busy and keep her mind busy while he was in harm’s way. One night, she had a dream where she saw a man sitting on the side of a bed, shaking. In her dream, a quilt was placed around his shoulders, and he seemed to be comforted. As a nurse and quilter, Roberts then decided she would make and send quilts to Kandahar.